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No-Nonsense Pinterest
Why Pinterest
Welcome to No-Nonsense Pinterest (0:40)
Course Format
Why Use Pinterest? (9:46)
My Stats and Profile (5:29)
Setting Up
Preparing Your Account (0:44)
Claiming Your Website (8:00)
Upgrading to a Business Account (3:53)
What are Group Boards (2:41)
Setting Up Group Boards (6:30)
Group Board Update
Setting Up Your Account Checklist (Download)
Anatomy of a Pin
Intro to Anatomy of a Pin (0:23)
How to Make Better Pins (10:24)
Pinterest Image Cheat Sheet (Download)
Create a Pin in Photoshop (8:46)
Create a Pin on Canva (For Free) (7:19)
Adding Pins to Your Website
Pin Update (2:40)
Welcome to Tailwind (0:51)
Sign Up for Tailwind
How to Use Tailwind (7:01)
Smartloops and Scheduler (8:49)
Intro to Tribes (7:49)
Adding to Queue and Tribes (4:54)
Quick Way to Mass-Pin Via Tailwind (3:41)
Tailwind Setup Checklist (Download)
Advanced Pinning
Advanced Pinterest Strategies (0:41)
Vanity Metrics (5:37)
Pinterest Formula (6:29)
DIY Pinterest (1:03)
Pin Along with Me (7:25)
Pinterest Schedule (Download)
Congratulations! (1:22)
Pinterest Algorithm Update June 2019
What the heck is happening to your views?
Pinterest changes defined
Making the new algorithm work for you
Avoiding the spam filter
Making the new algorithm work for you
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